Live Statistics on World Stadium Database

See what the current statistics are for World Stadium Database below.

Measure Data
Number of stadiums648
Number of countries84
Number of cities569
Total number of seats / standing spaces on all stadiums25747264 (0.38% of the world's population!)
Average capacity of stadiums40804

Top 10 Most Popular Stadiums This Week

A list of the ten most visited stadiums this week on World Stadium Database.

  1. Estadio Monumental
  2. Whitton Park
  3. Estadio Metropolitano
  4. Odi Stadium
  5. Agia Sophia Stadium
  6. Anfield
  7. Strahov Stadium
  8. San Siro
  9. Old Trafford
  10. Stade de France

If you have any questions about World Stadium Database or wish to enquire about offering help please contact World Stadium Database.